Thursday, November 10, 2011


I don't know if I will ever truly understand the big hype over video games! My boys can be possessed by them spending far to many hours sitting in front of a TV yelling and carrying on into all hours of the night or should I say morning....
I found out how much these games really mean to them....The first thing that happened was Tanner went to bed on Monday at 7:00PM.. one might think he was not feeling well this is not the case the real reason stands behind this new game......Why? you ask,'s because on Tuesday morning, and when I mean morning I am talking about 12:00am they were already at Game Stop waiting to pick up their new copy of
His whole thinking of going to bed so early is so that once he got the game he would be able to stay up and play it for a few hours before going back to bed so he could a few more hours of shut eye before he would have to run off to school, some might say "Now he is a Thinker"!  Me I just think he is crazy!  He even talked Landon into going with him as he needed someone to go with him that was over 17! I hear them return home around 12:30 and I hear the clomp clomp clomp of him running down the stairs, his going to bed early was working...I ask him in the morning what time he went back to bed and he said 1:30....hmmm some how I don't think that was the real time, but I play along. I now have to go to work to eat "Crow" and say that I ended up agreeing to let him go and get it at the midnight release ( It was something I had stated numerous time I would not allow) the guys at work all cheered !  when they asked how late he stayed up and I said 1:30 they all said BS! so when I come home I ask him what the real time was that he went to bed and he informed me with a big smirk on his face that in fact it was 3:00am with him reminding me that he had already had 5 hours a sleep so he actually got 3 more hours that equalled a full 8 hours of sleep!

Now last night was the night that "Assassin Creed" was to be released at Midnight so the alarm gets set again for 11:30 so that he can get to Game Stop to wait in line for his copy....Sometime after 12:00am Bill wakes me asking why someones alarm clock would be going off?  I advise that there is another game release that they are going to and I roll back over and go to sleep not even checking the time. Now fast forward to this morning when it was time for Tanner to get up for school,he is sleeping like no other when I tell him to get up he is instantly angry and with ME!  What? what did I do?  He is all mad because he thinks that I shut his alarm off so he would not get up to go to Game Stop! I assure him I didn't he will not believe me because he knows he would not have gotten out of bed to shut off the alarm and then go back to sleep!  I tell him I heard it go off and thought that they had gotten up. He is still mad at me when he leaves for school. When Bill gets up he tells me that he heard the alarm go off for another 15 mins after he asked me why it was going off, these means that Tanner slept through 1 hour of a beeping loud alarm going off.....Who can do that?  We inform him of his doings at dinner tonight and all have a GOOD LAUGH!  He is also amazed that he did it!!! The Best part of this story is that "Assassin Creed" doesn't come out until next Monday! Ha Ha Ha! 

Now it is I who is laughing!

                                       Tanner intensely playing MW3 (GAME FACE)


Melissa and Jeff said...

lol, so funny! That would have been funny if he did get up and go to Game Stop and found out that the game didn't get released!!!!

LeAnn said...

Ha ha ha!! These cracks me up!