Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Saturday Morning Wake Up Call

I know it's been a long time since I last blogged but this story is sure to make up for it!
Saturday morning I woke up to the phone ringing and as usual no one in the family answers the house phone but me so I jump out of bed and run down the hall to find that the kids had looked at the caller ID and found that it was one of those great 800 calls so I turn to go back to my room when I look into the kitchen to find it filled with smoke......This wakes me up pretty fast I glance around to find what is causing this and look at the microwave to see the inside in FLAMES! I yell who in the heck did this?? they both come running to see what I am freaking out about. Landon say's it was Tanner and Tanner is standing there with eyes as big as dollars saying I was just trying to make hot chocolate I said looks like its HOT alright, Oh my gosh I can't believe this! I open the door to find that the cup Tanner had choosen to use was a insulated coffee mug that had a screw in the botton with a metal ring around the top. Humm can't imagine why this started on fire! the mug has fallen over leaving no water in the mug with a huge amount of melted plastic to the turn table which was on fire. I quickly felt the mug which was oddly only warm I take it out and throw it in the sink now what to do with the turn table, I touch it to find it in the same condition as the mug.. only warm I take it out and put it in the sink and turn the water on it which as we all know shatters the glass turn table into 3 large pieces. the inside is completly black. Tanner has run into his room crying and I am mad! Landon opens all of the kitchen windows and I clean up the mess. I then go and get ready for the day so I could go do some Christmas shopping by this time it is really snowing hard and Tanner is still pouting and telling me he is going to run away that he cannot stand to live here knowing what he has done.
I obviously tell him he is not going anywhere and he heads off to his room. Sometime when I am not paying attention he sneaks out of the house and is off running away! I figure that he really won't be gone very long if for no other reason than the weather. So I head off to the mall to find Tanner walking down the next street over so I pull over to ask where he is running to and he tells me he is not sure, I advise him that it would be in his best interest to not go to far as am I am heading out to shop for him so if he wants anything for Christmas he should be home before I am. about an hour later when I returned he was home and saying he was sorry he didn't know the mug would start a fire!

What what a way to start the morning!


Melissa and Jeff said...

he he he. What a good laugh! You should have let it burn a little longer, you could have got that new kitchen a little sooner that you had planned!
I am the only one who answers the phone at my house too!

LeAnn said...

Linda! Oh my gosh! I am glad you caught it in time. Poor Tanner, I feel bad he thought he did something so bad!